The Complexion of Teaching and Learning – Episode Four: Colonization, Color, and the Courts

November 2, 2020

In part one of episode four, Brandon takes us through the early to mid 20th century, leading up to the pivotal Brown v. Board decision, as educators and communities of color grapple with the nation’s expansion and how it challenges their ways of teaching and learning. The conversation continues to the “B-side” as he gets close and personal perspectives from Dr. Gail Perry-Ryder on her own journey as an educator and researcher.

Episode notes: 

The following scholars and texts are featured in episode four:

  • “Latino Education in the United States: A Narrated History from 1513–2000” by Victoria Maria-MacDonald
  • “Silent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education and the Unfulfilled Hopes for Racial Reform” by Derrick Bell
  • “The Lost Education of Horace Tate” by Vanessa Siddle Walker
  • “Eugenics and Education in America: Institutionalized Racism and the Implications of History, Ideology, and Memory” by Ann Winfield
  • “Learning in a Burning House: Educational Inequality, Ideology, and (Dis)Integration” by Sonya Douglass Horsford (Twitter: @SonyaHorsford)
  • “Reclaiming the Multicultural Roots of U.S. Curriculum” by Wayne Au, Anthony Brown, and Dolores Calderon


“The Complexion of Teaching and Learning” is a docu-series exploring the historical, political, and professional insights and experiences of educators of color. The series is hosted by Brandon White (Twitter: @ClassroomB), an ELA Specialist for UnboundEd and former middle school ELA teacher and Restorative Practices educator for the Rochester City School District. To get the most out of this series, we recommend you start from episode one.